May 23, 2017

Pam was thrilled to write an article about her friend and fellow Coalition of Photographic Arts (CoPA) board member Tom Jordan for M Magazine’s May 2017 issue. Read the full article here!
Tom’s wonderful photography of Door County invokes all kinds of emotions-images are at turns majestic, haunting, humorous and an inspiration to other photographers. Tom was an intimidating guy when he was…cue the dramatic music…”the client” at ad agency Hoffman York where he served as Creative Director and Chairman for many years. He wasn’t mean or a hothead, but he was exacting, and that made us want to work our tails off for him.
Today Tom and I serve on the board of the non profit fine art photography organization CoPA, with me as Prez and Tom as Vice Prez. He calls me boss. I will never get used to that.
Watch for more from Pam in M Magazine in the August issue.

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June 9, 2016

LANA REID’s new inspirational talk show DON’T BOX ME IN breaks from convention. Hosted by popular, award-winning author and public speaker Lana Reid, this uniquely inspirational/motivational show covers a variety of “outside the box” topics from Lana’s own DISTINCTIVE perspective.
This week Lana interviews pam Ferderbar, author of Feng Shui and Charlotte Nightingale, in a hilarious, uplifting and insightful hour.
Listen to Lana Reid and Pam Ferderbar on Don’t Box Me In.
Author and photographer Pam Ferderbar describes herself as the most optimistic person on the globe – perhaps stupidly so. It only makes sense then for her to have written a book about the virtues of seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty. Feng Shui and Charlotte Nightingale is the story of a girl with the worst luck in the world and the Chinese food delivery man who delivers a little on-the-sly feng shui with the Emperor’s cashew chicken. At its core, it is a story about finding your inner strength and self-confidence, and how those things influence everything about the outcome of our lives.
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May 24, 2016

Listen to Douglas’s awesome interview with author/blogger Pam Ferderbar. They laughed. They cried. They laughed some more! Listen to author Pam Ferderbar on the Douglas Coleman Show.
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May 24, 2016

Radio host Robert Sharpe talks with Pam Ferderbar about the meaning of happiness, optimism…and what’s really funny.
Click here to listen now!
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April 22, 2016
This interview was so much fun. Ron is a lively, lovely and thoughtful interviewer, who coaxed a bit more out of me than I intended. There’s a great section toward the end about my dad’s work with Ansel Adams, and about the master himself. Enjoy!
(There is a charming “old time radio” story at the beginning that runs to minute 6:15.)
Click here to listen.

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March 17, 2016

Zephan asked great questions, stimulating discussion about luck v fate, perception v reality, and how we define real happiness. An uplifting half hour! Click here to listen.
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February 26, 2016

Listen to Pam’s interview with Drs. Rob + Janelle Alex, Ph.D. , Sexual Energy Experts & Author Mentors/Coaches
Janelle and Rob were lovely – super high energy (must be all the sex!) and so easy to talk with – they made me feel very comfortable. I was at the top of my game for this one! It’s a fun podcast, so enjoy!
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February 10, 2016

Winter Preparedness Goes Awry for Girl Learning to Ski
by Pam Ferderbar
From the essay series Wisconsin Tough for Wisconsin Public Radio and Wisconsin Public Television

One chubby kid, a roll of duct tape and a blind school. What could go wrong? CLICK HERE
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November 13, 2015
Pam Ferderbar’s debut novel Feng Shui and Charlotte Nightingale is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Fiction/Chick Lit/Women’s Lit category of the 2015 USA Best Book Awards.
“Thank you to the thousands of authors and publishers who have made the 12th Annual USA Best Book Awards a resounding success! Congratulations to all of the Winners & Finalists!”
—Jeffrey Keen, President & CEO, USA Book News
Mainstream & Independent Titles Score Top Honors
in the 12th Annual USA Best Book Awards
Random House, Tarcher/Penguin, HarperOne, WW Norton, Harper Collins, William Morrow, Crown Business, McGraw-Hill, John Wiley & Sons, American Cancer Society, The White House Historical Association and hundreds of Independent Houses contribute to this year’s Outstanding Competition!
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